I had the pleasure of creating a title sequence for the short film Expressions, which came out in Spring 2023. Set in the 1990s, this film is about Flynn, a queer deaf man, who works in a public library. Flynn notices a new neighbor who starts to frequent the library where Flynn works. Intrigued by his looks and personality, Flynn begins to practice his speech to introduce himself to this mystery man.
The title sequence is a main-on-end. The Library cart is full of books relevant to the story, and dispersed between those books are the title credits, appearing like library books as well. See the full sequence below, along with behind-the-scenes including the full bookshelf, and printing and covering the books.

After designing the covers I printed each one and added their call numbers. Then I covered them in the clear plastic covers meant for library books. This makes them blend in with all the other library books, but stand out with their cohesive design.
Designing these books in a digital space and then recreating them in the physical world has been an exciting challenge, but also brings back great memories. I worked in a library for six years. and much of that time was spent covering new books using the same process you see below.
Applying unexpected skills in unexpected places!